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Got something to sell? Check out our sister site
Sell Second Hand Furniture with

Hey... in order to fit some of our stuff into your home, you may need to clear some of your old stuff out. Here at Vintage Home Stores we are trying to make that process really simple by launching our sister site

Here you can simply upload pictures of what you want to sell, tell us a wee bit about it and then tell us how much you want for it - if its something either we can use or we think our customers can love, we will snap it up. We will arrange to collect it (our cost) and pay you by transfer on the day of collection - simple!

We buy all kinds of styles as you can see by the varied choices on our site, but be warned we are one of the largest buyers of second hand furniture and have some of the most knowledgeable second hand furniture specialists working for us, so if you're thinking you can take us for a ride with your sky high prices, think again.

You see we have 3 kinds of sellers that use our service:

The Genuine Sellers These are people that know depreciation of new furniture is larger than any sector in the UK and has been for years. Hey we sold a £7k Sofa for £249 - it was a few years old but hope that gives you an idea. They know getting rid and getting something for it is way better than disposing of it - plus you have to pay to dispose at home where we pay for collecting it and give you money as well. These people have tried Facebook and ebay and realised they are a complete waste of time full of scammers and dreamers, so they send us some pictures, tell us about their item and how much they want. Happy days we can deal with these people all day long.

The Dealers

Spot them a mile off - send us images of rubbish stock they can't sell as its way overpriced, stick a whopping great price on it and hope for the best. We don't deal with people like this to be perfectly honest. Oh and then there are some of the shabby chic painters that send us pictures of a multi coloured chest of drawers that wont fit in with any decor, which has been painted in the shed and tell us it's worth £400 despite being hand painted with brushstrokes and no protection - erm sorry guys anything painted is always a no, no matter how many times you tell us you are a designer because you paint stuff.

The Timewasters

Well we have a thousand stories on this sector, but here are 4 of our favourites!

Timewaster 1 "Got a Designer Console want £500 it's mint" - Them

"Send us a Picture, Price and Postcode and we will get back to you" Us

"Here you go its amazing" - Them

"Sorry but thats not for us, at best that will retail for £20-£40 really sorry" - Us

"Ok take £250" - Them

"Sorry we are unable to help with that" - Us

"I will take £50 today" - Them

"Sorry we really dont want it but thanks anyway" - Us

"£10 if you come now" - them

"Really sorry but we just dont want it" - Us

"Come now and you can have it for FREE" - Them

"Really sorry we don't want it for FREE either" - Us

Timewaster 2

"Sent you a picture of an Antique Georgian Wall Unit we are looking for £2500" Them

"I sorry but as that is a reproduction unit it's not something we would buy" - Us

"I can move on price say £2000" - Them

"Im so sorry but that is a 1980's piece of furniture that just doesn't sell" - Us

"I will take £100" - Them

"I am really sorry but we just don't want it" - Us

"OK you can come and get it for FREE if you come within the hour" - Them

"Im sorry but we just don't want it, I am not sure if the Charity Shops will take it but you could try them, or pop it on Facebook for free" - Us

"No they don't want it and we have had it on Facebook for 6 weeks and nobody wants it" Them

Timewaster 3

"I have a SCS Corner Sofa to sell, cost is £4000 a few years ago looking for £800 pics attached" Them

"Thanks for thinking is us but thats not something we would buy" Us

"I can move on price to £500, needs a few jobs but good sofa" Them

"I am so sorry but we just wouldn't buy it" Us

"Will go to £400 if you come today" them

"To be perfectly honest I doubt you would be able to sell it, the sofa is ripped, the seat cushions have collapsed, the arm on the right is crushed and I honestly can't see all the marks coming off either - you could try offering it for free but I think you may have to call your local council to remove it if you need to clear space, they charge but it honestly wont sell" Us

"I will take £100" them

"Sorry we wont buy it" Us

"Your loss" Them

Timewaster 4

"Looking to sell this vintage LC4 Chaise by Courbousier - looking for about £1400" them

"Im sorry but we wouldn't purchase it, sorry" Us

"Its Italian Ive seen these selling for over £3000" them

"Im sorry but that is not a genuine LC4, that is a copy it is easily identified by the base" Us

"Its genuine, I have about 40 in stock" Them

"Honestly those are copies from China, probably worth £80-£100 retail and not something we would buy" Us

"Let me know if you change your mind, I will let you have them for £100 each if you take all 40" them

"Thanks but we wont change our mind" Us

I have no words......

Our main buyer is super super knowledgeable about stock, he also works for insurance companies checking claims for furniture before payouts so he will know the value of your item - let me tell you he has saved them hundreds of thousands of pounds. The best to date was a claim for a Duresta Sofa at £25k which turned out to be from Harveys Furniture Store at about £1200 new so after 10 years use they paid out nothing as the excess was more then the item's value. Oh and they had their insurance cancelled and were blacklisted for attempted fraud.

So get cracking and send us your furniture images with some realistic prices and we can start turning them into cash for you.

Stephen Currie


Vintage Home Stores is one of the leading suppliers of Second Hand Furniture Vintage Furniture Antique Furniture and Quality Used Furniture to the UK markets. Our delivery is amongst the cheapest in the country and all items are in stock ready to go.

Be sure to check us out on and also on our socials Facebook and Instagram.


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Vintage Furniture, Antique Furniture, Used Furniture, Second hand Furniture Store

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